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Product comparison

  • Network Infrared Temperature measurement Core MS10

    Network Infrared Temperature measurement Core MS10

    The product features rich functions, stable operation, full-screen temperature measurement, multiple color palettes, network interface, standard interface and strong expansibility. The product can provide Windows and Linux software development kits, which is easy for system integration and secondary development.

  • Network Infrared Temperature measurement Core MS12

    Network Infrared Temperature measurement Core MS12

    The product outputs high-quality thermal imaging video through powerful front-end processing capability and intelligent back-end, and supports full-screen temperature measurement and regional temperature measurement. The product has built-in intelligent algorithms such as over-temperature diagnosis, regional invasion and cross-line crossing, which can alarm in real time and run stably.

  • Micro Infrared Thermal Imaging USB Interface Module M03

    Micro Infrared Thermal Imaging USB Interface Module M03

    M03 is a complete infrared thermal imaging module, which includes thermal imaging detector, lens, baffle, image processing circuit and other components. It has the function of temperature measurement, adopts a single USB interface for transmission and control, and is easy to integrate.